If my website had an FAQ Page, it would probably be filled with the questions I get related to social media content posting. Most of my clients and others who to reach out to me with questions about online marketing focus on the following questions with predictable consistency:
What should I post?
Where should I post?
How often should I post?
How will I know people see what I post?
Let’s tackle these one at a time. For starters, the content of your posts should focus on things that matter to your followers and prospects, not necessarily things that matter to you. So in answer the “what you should post” question, it’s really all a matter of giving people what they want… what the need… what will make them want to come back for more.
As for the question of “where,” it’s obvious, but something many marketers and business owners overlook. Post where your audience is (fish where the… you know).
Okay. With the first two down, we now head on to more callenging turf. How often?
You’ll find advice all over the map on this question and frankly, I have yet to figure out the perfect formula for my own business. For several months I posted on my Facebook Fan Page once in day. Then I reduce my frequency to about four times a week. I’m currently in the middle of experimenting with seven and daily schedule posts. So far I’m not liking the results.
Locowise, the social analytics and reporting comepany, did a study taking a look at more than 600 Fan Pages on Facebook wich had more than 250 million likes. The majority of the brands had publishing frequency as follows:
- 31 percent of pages studied posted two to four times per week
- 25 percent posted once per day
- 18 percent posted once per week
- 4 percent posted more than 10 times daily
- 3 percent posted five to nine times per day
So, perhaps less is more. I think I’m heading in that direction too!
All lf this can sound daunting. I know this for a fact, because as I sat down with a client today to discuss her social conetnt planning, she stopped me several times to pause before getting even more overwhelmed.
First, I suggested that she consider putting together a simple social media calendar. Kind of like the one that Hubspot has created here. But that suggestion seemed to fuel the flames of the overwhlem fire. Then I showed her another solution. Someting I promote and endorse, called Likeable Local.
The premise of the Likeable service is that social media content, scheduling, and managment needs more simplicity, and ought be be structure to reach more people, and have greater impact toward a business’ bottom line.
Oh, and Liekable has tools in place to make sure your posts are seen by your followers (trust me, it’s pretty darn clever).
And that leaves you more time to focus on what matters: running your business.
Want a little help with the what, where, and when of your social content? Check out Likeable Local’s service and discover how you can be delivering your followers a better experience by investing far less of your own time worrying about your social media content.
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